Sign up here

To enroll for our sessions, we need the following information: Contact details, next of kin, and any medical conditions to ensure your fitness and eligibility to train.  

Initially we ask that you first register your interest with the short form below, asking for your name, and email address, and the students name, and their date of birth.
We will then enter the email address into our student database and management software called "Martialytics" and you will then receive an email from Adaptive Budo with the email address asking you to fill in our full enrollment form.
Don't panic!  This isn't a huge form and is just the essential details we need to sign the student up. 


Then, we wait until your first lesson! In the mean time, we advise you to download the student induction pack below, and have a good look through.  This explains all the rules of the club, and what we do, and how we do it.  
At this stage, we offer your first two lessons, totally free.  Without need to join or pay for any lessons.  
If you decide its not for you, then it will cost you nothing at all. 
If you wish to continue training with us, we will use Martialytics to  send you an automated email from GoCardless! which is the company we use to collect payments.  This will allow us to set up payments for two things: 
  1. The first is a one time payment of £50 for your joining fee 
    (at this point we will order your uniform etc).  
  2. The second is for the monthly all inclusive training fees which is normally £25 per month and this will be deducted from your account monthly. 
We use GoCardless as we don't take cash for our our sessions, and we don't operate a "pay as you go" or "per lesson" payment system.   
Fortunately our pricing above is very competitive so that even if you only make two or three sessions a month, its still very comparative to other clubs as this includes gradings and membership fees which is often an additional cost. 
Name of the person filling in the form   E-mail Students name Students DOB (DD/MM/YYYY) I agree to the Terms & Conditions of Application and Privacy Policy Submit
We look forward to seeing you on the mats!  

Download our student induction pack here!

New Starter Induction Pack